Xiaomi Roboter Staubsauger X20+ EU
• All-in-one base station
• 4L super-large-capacity water tank
• 6000Pa powerful suction fan blower
• 'Spin and wipe' along edges
• Intelligent mop lifting
• Wide-area structured light obstacle avoidance
• LDS laser navigation creates a 360° whole house scan for intelligently planned cleaning
• Remote control with Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app
• Vacuuming before mopping: deep cleaning with human-like precision
• Voice Control
• Works with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant
• Supports four cleaning modes
• Smart remote control
• Detachable tray for easy cleaning
Dual auto-empty ducts empty the dustbin in just 10 seconds. The large-capacity dust bag can continue up to 75 days without being emptied, so you can enjoy dust-free cleaning.
Even when you're away from home you can control it remotely. Tell it to clean the living room, bedroom, or kitchen floors with just a click in the Xiaomi Home/Mi Home app and start vacuuming and mopping immediately.
Staubsauger Zubehör
Xiaomi X10+/ X20+ Mop Pad
Bestellware. 8-10 Tage Lieferzeit12,90 €
Einstellungen, Steuerungen & Anzeigen
Internet der Dinge (IoT)
Wegwerfbarer Staubbeutel
2 x Wischpad
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