Three drying levels on top of each other offer 27 metres of line length for drying and space for up to 3 washing machine loads. Thanks to its foldable frame, the tower dryer can also be folded in half and used on just one side. The bars on each drying level can also be folded individually.
The Classic Tower 270 is thus suitable for large and especially long items of laundry. The tower's 4 integrated, easy-moving rollers mean it can be fully loaded and moved in all directions.
The rollers are fitted with an all-round flexible 360° rotating joint. The Classic Tower 270 Tower Dryer is the ideal laundry rack for families with very little drying space. The Classic Tower 270 can also be made small after use: when folded up flatly, it fits effortlessly between cabinet and wall. It is 1.26 metres high.
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