
Kreativ-Spiele - Smart Pixelator - 50-00474

Smart Pixelator

Use smART technology to pixelate any design! The smART Pixelator™ combines art, technology and STEAM learning in new ways. Right out of the box, kids have a choice of creating 50+ step-by-step projects using smART Pixel Beads. Connect to the free app, then download any photo from your mobile device and the possibilities are endless. Create ready-to-display 2D or 3D projects! Experiment! Customize! Extension packs give you innovative ways to design with more beads, sequins, or pegs. smART Pixelator™ encourages creativity, small motor development, and spatial awareness. It’s the smART way to play.

Waren-Nr.: 2787511
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Ähnliche Produkte

smART Pixelator includes: smART Pixelator™ device AC adapter 1300 smART Pixel Beads Ironing paper Bead applicator SD card with 50+ step-by-step designs SD card holder

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